The Beach Bum Millionaire How To Build A Million Dollar BusinessThe Lazy Way! Anthony Khoury 9781483992105 Books

Anthony Khoury, The Small Business Doctor, has spent his career building successful businesses, and with The Beach Bum Millionaire he is sharing all of his hard earned knowledge on how to build and maintain a thriving business.
The Beach Bum Millionaire How To Build A Million Dollar BusinessThe Lazy Way! Anthony Khoury 9781483992105 Books
I had just bought my first Kindle so that I could order one book, (How To Rank In Google Post Panda by James Green) fell in love with that book AND the Kindle. :) So, the natural thing for me was to go out and find another great read up my alley of entrepreneurialism. This just wasn't it.The reviews on it were great, and I can't say it was a "bad read" just lacked the depth I found in the first book that made me want more. Anthony covers a great business plan, more of a walk you through from start to finish approach. From having a positive and determined attitude, to outsourcing much of your tasks in an attempt to manage your time. My problem was simply that it was "too basic." I guess I would assume these things would really be more common sense for most business minded people, what I would have liked to see much more of is details on how to drive customers to your business.
Again, if your knowledge is limited....or maybe you just need that confidence boost, you may well find this book to be the Golden Key to your success. If you are more like me and have websites already, are familiar with basic SEO strategies, and know you will not "give up." The value you get from this will probably be 3 stars at best, but check out the book mentioned previously here, THAT ROCKS! :)
Product details

Tags : The Beach Bum Millionaire: How To Build A Million Dollar Business.The Lazy Way! [Anthony Khoury] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Anthony Khoury, The Small Business Doctor, has spent his career building successful businesses, and with The Beach Bum Millionaire he is sharing all of his hard earned knowledge on how to build and maintain a thriving business.,Anthony Khoury,The Beach Bum Millionaire: How To Build A Million Dollar Business.The Lazy Way!,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1483992101,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Development General
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The Beach Bum Millionaire How To Build A Million Dollar BusinessThe Lazy Way! Anthony Khoury 9781483992105 Books Reviews
Entrepreneurship books are a dime a dozen these days, but The Beach Bum Millionaire truly stands out. The not so good books read like academic texts, but the really good ones give easy to understand, well organized advice from experienced entrepreneurs that permits the readers to understand exactly what is needed to become a successful entrepreneur. The Beach Bum Millionaire is the latter. Mr. Khoury has successfully produced an informative and comprehensive book that will be useful for anyone who wants to start their own venture, and succeed at it.
The beach Bum Millionaire is a great read that brings everything together in one place for both start ups and serial entrepreneurs. You'll find yourself referring back to it, and referring it to others-just like I do.
My husband and I decided to start an online vaporizer business with very little experience on utilizing online marketing tools. This book was actually very helpful. The beginning part of the book was effective in motivating and inspiring me to move forward with the business and to strive to succeed. Khoury does a great job establishing his credibility by writing in simple English and laying the foundation for his success. He literally started his first business with no experience. Although this may sound like every other self-help/motivational book, the first part of the book is a great precursor to the meat and potatoes of the book.
The second part goes into the specifics of what must be done to have a website that actual generates an income you can live of off. This is the part that other books tend to gloss over. Khoury shares his expertise and real world applications that is truly invaluable if you do not already have mentor. This book is truly life changing.
This is one of the best books I've read in the business genre. I love this book because it provides so much valuable information for anyone involved or interested in business. I've been running online businesses for several years as a hobby, and I've wanted to take the businesses full time. I was missing a lot of important elements that are discussed in the Beach Bum Millionaire. These vital elements prevented my businesses from reaching their full potential. Now I have the knowledge to expand my businesses, and make the money I want. The depth of material is outstanding because every important business topic is covered including gems like How to find a great assistant, Systems, Keyword research, and Marketing, amongst many others. The book is well-written and the author, Anthony Khoury, does an amazing job providing examples and easy-to-understand explanations. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in business and online ventures.
I have been in Internet Marketing (MLM, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing) for the better part of 6 years. I have literally read hundreds of self help books. Some of them were good, some of them were bad, and most are somewhere right in the middle.
This is one of the better ones I have read. The author really knows what he is talking about because he has BEEN there and DONE that. You will come across many books and so called *gurus* who haven't even figured it out, but will try to tell you what to do.
If you are even THINKING about starting an online business, this is a must read.
One of the most important things this author teaches in his book is that the world, ESPECIALLY the internet world, is constantly changing. When you decide to start an online business you constantly have to keep learning. Things change at a lightning fast pace and if you don't keep up you will surely get left behind.
Highly recommend!
Here's the first thing I liked about this book. It describes why the online business model that worked a few years ago is not working today. Then it goes on to present a simple outline of a workable model that does work today. Because I have been on the web a long time, I can see the truth of this strategy.
The only thing I don't like about this book is the title. It is true that you can work and live anywhere while you work at your online business. But the author admits he does put some work and thought into his business, as do most successful people.
But it is also true that once you get some momentum build up, and a proper platform in place, your business can still make money without you putting in daily efforts. You can also delegate the work elsewhere, especially once you start to see profits. This guide also tells you what is worth it, and it tells you what is not worth it.
I would definitely put this on the reading list for anybody who would like an easy guide to setting up their own business that can actually succeed.
I had just bought my first so that I could order one book, (How To Rank In Google Post Panda by James Green) fell in love with that book AND the . ) So, the natural thing for me was to go out and find another great read up my alley of entrepreneurialism. This just wasn't it.
The reviews on it were great, and I can't say it was a "bad read" just lacked the depth I found in the first book that made me want more. Anthony covers a great business plan, more of a walk you through from start to finish approach. From having a positive and determined attitude, to outsourcing much of your tasks in an attempt to manage your time. My problem was simply that it was "too basic." I guess I would assume these things would really be more common sense for most business minded people, what I would have liked to see much more of is details on how to drive customers to your business.
Again, if your knowledge is limited....or maybe you just need that confidence boost, you may well find this book to be the Golden Key to your success. If you are more like me and have websites already, are familiar with basic SEO strategies, and know you will not "give up." The value you get from this will probably be 3 stars at best, but check out the book mentioned previously here, THAT ROCKS! )

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